Sustainable Packaging Provides BIG Benefits for Brands

Let’s face it. Packaging is important. Why? The package is your first interaction with consumers. It’s like the old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

Here at Rohrer, we’ve been in the business of brand packaging for almost 50 years. We want to help you provide the BEST package, BEST product, and BEST branding for your customers. And hopefully that “great first impression” yields even BETTER sales.

What Do Consumers Really Want When It Comes to Packaging?

If packaging plays such an important role in the sales process, what do consumers really want? Here are a few interesting statistics:

  • When asked about the importance of sustainable packaging, “more than 38% of consumers in a 2020 study by McKinsey & Company indicated that it is extremely or very important when making a purchasing decision.”
  • In addition, “60 to 70% of consumers said they would pay more for sustainable packaging.”
  • According to study by  Global Web Index, “60% of consumers say they’re likely to switch to a brand that is more environmentally-friendly than their current brand.”

What is Sustainable Packaging?

The bottom line is that consumers value sustainable packaging and they’re willing to pay more to be environmentally friendly. But you may be wondering, “What constitutes a sustainable package?”

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition® defines packaging as sustainable if it “optimizes the use of renewable or recycled materials and energy with minimal environmental impact throughout its life cycle – from creation and production to post-use.”

Is Sustainable Packaging Better for My Brand? What are the Benefits of Going Green?

According to its very definition, sustainable packaging is better for the environment. But is it better for your brand? Absolutely!

Sustainable packaging provides BIG benefits for brands:

  • It helps build your brand’s reputation: Switching to sustainable packaging has a positive impact on the environment. It demonstrates to consumers that your company is kind to the earth and takes corporate responsibility seriously. That’s just good business. And good people. It strengthens your reputation as a company that cares about the planet and the future.
  • It helps attract and retain more customers: Consumers look for and purchase products that are aligned with their values. Sustainable packaging is a huge selling point for eco-conscious customers. According to an IBM Research Insights Report, “6 of 10 consumers surveyed are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact, and 8 out of 10 respondents indicated that sustainability is important for them.”
  • It helps build your business via online customer referrals: With most consumers staying at home and purchasing online due to the COVID pandemic, referrals via social media have become wildly popular. “Unboxing” videos on YouTube® or photos of your product in sustainable packaging on Instagram® can be a big boost to your business. According to Dotcom Distribution, 40% of consumers will share an image of your packaging on social media if it was unique, branded, or eco-friendly. How’s that for word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing?
  • Sustainable packaging is not necessarily more expensive: It can be done affordably by designing the “right-sized” package for your product (which can, in turn, reduce production and shipping costs). And, as the demand for recycled plastic and paperboard packaging increases, the use of raw materials decreases, which is better for the environment and your brand. Win-win!
  • It offers packaging flexibility and versatility: Rohrer offers several sustainable packaging options, including ecoCombo™, the packaging industry’s first post-consumer recycled content combo program. Or, what about our new All-Paper Blisters? This amazing packaging solution is made completely of paper. We also offer a wide variety of recycled PET plastic or paperboard packaging eligible for Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) and Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certifications.

Studies prove that consumers want sustainable packaging for their products. And, with all the benefits for your brand, why not make a “great first impression” and  GO GREEN?

At Rohrer, we believe that true partners make the perfect package. Ready to sign up for one of Rohrer’s sustainable packaging options? Contact us today!


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