Perfect Printing Helps Your Product Stand Out

We’ve all been there. Grocery shopping. Trying to find that one brand of crackers that your kids love as you’re scanning an entire aisle of crackers in the store. There’s one unique package that catches your eye – you’re drawn to the colors, the design, the printing, and the way the brand presents itself on […]
Designing the Perfect Package

You have eight seconds. That’s right. According to a recent Microsoft study, the average consumer’s attention span is eight seconds. Wow! That’s not much time to tell your product story, include your branding message, and encourage shoppers to put your product in the cart. Package Design Considerations At Rohrer, we’ve been helping brands create the […]
Questions to Ask Your Packaging Partner

What Makes a Good Match? If you’re new to the packaging industry, the whole process may seem rather intimidating. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had Tinder® or another dating app to find a great packaging partner? Ask a few questions and find one that provides the right services to get your new product in […]
Rohrer is Now a Rhode Islander!

Narragansett Bay. George B. Salter Memorial Grove. Warwick Point Lighthouse. And now, Rohrer Rhode Island. Rohrer is in good company in Warwick, and we are thrilled to extend our packaging solutions to the East coast. We’re in Your Neighborhood Just 60 minutes south of Boston, Rohrer’s new Warwick location can optimize packaging production and help […]
Why the Pinch on Packaging?
From groceries to gas, it seems like the pandemic has put the squeeze on the almighty dollar. According to PBS News Hour, “In the U.S., inflation rose to 5.3%, as measured by the Labor Department’s consumer-price index in the 12 months through August 2021, after averaging about 1.7% for the past decade.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t […]
Every Day is a Good Day to
GO GREEN at Rohrer

Rohrer just introduced its new All-Paper Blister and ecoCombo® sustainable packaging solutions. We hope you are inspired to GO GREEN with us. And we wanted you to know that Rohrer is STEPPING UP SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS every day, not just on Earth Day. Here’s how we’re reducing environmental impact during every step of the packaging process. Designing […]
It’s Simple to Streamline with Stock Packaging
Are you familiar with stock cars? If you’re a NASCAR® fan, I bet you’ve seen a race or two. But you may have also noticed that those stock cars are anything but “stock” or “standard.” These days, race cars are as individual as the driver, with custom tires, steering shafts, and engine blocks to make […]
Switching Roles: When Rohrer Became its Own Best Customer
Patti McElligott, Senior Emerging Business Account Manager was handed a major project recently – develop and produce new packaging for a promotional product. That’s big. And a lot was riding on this new design; it was to be the showstopper for sales and marketing efforts. Oh…and one last detail, Patti works for Rohrer. It had […]
Packaging Tricks for Your Growing Brand
When your brand starts expanding product sales to a variety of channels, different packaging styles may be required. One retailer might want to sell your product in bulk, another in a multi-pack, while a club store will want to merchandise your product in a large quantity or assortment. Having the opportunity to sell your product […]
More Cookie-Cutter Shapes!
If you visit any drugstore or big box store, you will notice something about the packaging – nearly all of the blister cards are the same shape. A rectangle. They might be a little taller or wider, but anything other than a rectangle is rare. Isn’t this odd? Yes, especially considering consumer research shows that […]